Posted on August 27, 2012

This month, it’s an honor to be invited to attend Brazil’s August 31st Supreme Federal Court hearing in the city of Brasília. The Court will be reviewing the constitutionality of the state of São Paulo’s law that prohibits the use of asbestos.

Witnesses at the hearing will include representatives of the asbestos industry, such as Dr. David Bernstein of Switzerland and Dr. Jacques Dunnigan of Canada. However, our colleagues Dr. Arthur Frank, Dr. Barry Castleman and Dr. Benedetto Terracini, will also testify at the hearing and present the scientific evidence of the deadly effect of asbestos. Additionally, Mr. Doracy Maggion, who was diagnosed with asbestosis after working at an Eternit factory in Brazil for about 20 years, is scheduled to testify about the ultimate price that he has paid for simply going to work every day.

So that you can join ADAO in Brazil, I will keep you updated by using Storify.  This incredible platform allows me to mix multiple forms of media – websites, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube – to give you up-to-date information on the latest news, which you can then comment on and share with your friends through Facebook and Twitter. As the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court hearing progresses, I will add more and more to Storify. So stay tuned!

In unity,


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