Posted on September 12, 2012

This evening marks the end of the first full day of workshops, presentations, and discussions with the brightest minds in the mesothelioma community at the 11th International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig) Conference. Organizers of the conference, including organizing committee chairs and mesothelioma pioneers Dr. David Sugarbaker and Dr. Raphael Bueno, have impressively incorporated a mixed dynamic of a wide range of topics that affect the mesothelioma community.

It has always been a thrill and an honor to attend the iMig conference and meet the brilliant minds behind the cutting edge research taking place in the mesothelioma field.                     Dr. Harbut and Reinstein                            I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with representatives                                                                                       from a variety of instrumental organizations,                                                                                    including the International Mesothelioma Program and CareFusion.

In addition to the many discussions related to medical innovation, today’s activities included a session entitled “Guiding the Journey of Mesothelioma Patient and Family,” sponsored and delivered by Brigham and Women’s Hospital Nursing Program.  The session fused the latest cutting edge treatments with the most effective care-giving practices, focusing on an often overlooked, yet crucial, element of mesothelioma care: the comfort and quality of life of the patient.

Today’s workshops focused on three major topics: Guidelines of Pathology, Tumor Microenvironment and Surgical Management and Techniques.  I look forward to going into detail about all of the great information shared today, but it is more important for me to share what is on your mind!  Don’t forget to share your six-word quotes for iMig!

I’m glad we are taking this journey together. Keep up with ADAO at the iMig conference by checking in with our dynamic story, which features blogs, photos, quotes and more.  And don’t forget to join the global conversation by tweeting your thoughts to @Linda ADAO or on the Facebook iMig note page.

I am here because of you!  Through the dedication and generosity of our ADAO volunteers, 2012 Sponsors and donors, ADAO is able to continue the education, advocacy, and community support work that we began nearly nine years ago.

As Christopher Reeve said, “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” I’m a believer!

Together, change is possible.


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