Posted on October 25,  2013

IMG_1566_1We have been touched by asbestos in individual ways, yet we are joined together by a bond of community. As a testament to the strength of our global family, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is highlighting the courageous stories of our members with the “Share Your Story” feature on our website.

This week, we would like to honor the story of Ken, as shared by his widow Marli, who is a part of our ADAO family.

We encourage you to submit your personal stories by clicking here and following the simple instructions on the page. In sharing, comes healing. Remember, you are not alone.

“Asbestos Destroyed Our Lives” – Ken’s Story

Name: Ken

Location: Canada

Date of Birth: 22-MAR-1950

Date of Diagnosis: 25-JAN-2011

Diagnosis: Mesothelioma

Treatment: Chemo with Alimta and Cisplatin after surgery to re-inflate the lung,  they were able to inflate top 2/3 of lung.

Date of Death: 08-JUL-2011

How has asbestos changed your life? 

My husband was a fun loving 60 year old, fit, active man before asbestos destroyed our lives.  We were getting ready to retire and enjoy a new stage of our lives.  Ken battled this disease with everything he had, never giving up hope, his wish was to keep our lives as normal as possible for as long as possible. Ken never knowingly worked near asbestos, mesothelioma was an unfamiliar word to us.  We went to our emergency room thinking he was having asthma problems or possibly pneumonia only to leave in a state of shock. We stayed positive, prayed, ate a good diet, exercised when he felt well enough and spent time with family & friends. He will never get to see our son marry, never be a grandfather and never get to grow old with me the way we planned. For all who love him the future we planned to share with him is lost because of a disease that should not exist.

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