
In 1965, serpentine was designated as the state rock of California to promote the once lucrative asbestos mining industry. A practically indestructible lethal fiber, asbestos has been used for decades in numerous industries throughout California including building construction and naval shipyards, as well as in common household products ranging from crayons to blow dryers.

The Request

By Friday, June 4, 2010, ADAO encourages you to call your Californian Assembly Member in support of California SB 624, a bill that removes serpentine, the host rock for asbestos, as the official state rock. While symbolic, eliminating the disease host rock serpentine from its prestigious status will send a message to asbestos victims that the State of California no longer endorses use of this tragic rock that has killed and victimized so many Californian workers and families. In its stead, California can continue to proudly portray both its official state mineral and gemstone, which are gold and benitoite, respectively. No state rock is needed.

What you could discuss in your phone call

  • Urge your Assembly Member to support California SB 624, championed by Honorable Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro, Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources.
  • Serpentine is the host rock for asbestos, a known human carcinogen.
  • Asbestos claims the lives of more than 10,000 Americans each year.
  • Serpentine is found in 49 of California’s 58 counties (including Los Angeles).
  • California and specifically Los Angeles County have the highest incident rates of asbestos-related diseases of any state and county in the United States.
  • The U.S. Surgeon General’s Office, World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, and Environmental Protection Agency all agree: there is no safe level of asbestos exposure. 
  • The public remains largely unaware of the threat posed by asbestos.
  • More than 50 nations have banned asbestos; the United States is not one of them.
  • Serpentine was chosen as the state rock to promote the asbestos mining industry in 1965; this industry is now defunct in California.
  • Removing serpentine as the California State Rock will have no economic repercussions as the asbestos mining industry no longer exists in California.
  • Removing serpentine as the Californian State Rock provides an invaluable opportunity to educate communities about the hazards of asbestos while recognizing the trauma and sacrifice of asbestos victims.  
  • Resolution 6223 passed by the City of Manhattan Beach, urged California lawmakers to remove serpentine as the state rock.

 Find Your Assembly Member:

Visit: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html to find your Californian Assembly Member and contact information.

On behalf of everyone at ADAO, thank you for helping