2015 ADAO Congressional Staff Briefing Resources http://bit.ly/1LlAQni

ADAO Wrap-Up BLOG: ADAO 2015 Congressional Briefing: Staffers Recognize the Ongoing Threat of Asbestos http://bit.ly/1gFktHb

ADAO Congressional Staff Briefing Resources

 July 15, 2015  Washington, D.C.


  • IMG_0010Linda Reinstein, ADAO President/CEO/Co-Founder (CA)
  • Jordan Zevon, ADAO National Spokesperson (CA)
  • Ann Samuelson, Mesothelioma Victim (OR)
  • Mike Mattmuller, Mesothelioma Patient (MD)
  • Heather Von St. James, Mesothelioma Patient (MN)

*This presentation is dedicated to Paul Zygielbaum, Mesothelioma Warrior and asbestos victims advocate. 

Important Links

Legislation Discussed:

“The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (S.697)

The Alan Reinstein and Trevor Schaefer Toxic Chemicals Protection Act (S. 725) and recent related asbestos amendments proposed by Senator Boxer.

The TSCA Modernization Act H.R. 2576.

The Reducing Exposure to Asbestos Database (READ) Act (S.700) and (H.R. 2030).

The Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Acts  (S. 357) and (H.R. 526)

Five Top Asbestos Facts:

1. Asbestos is a carcinogen and there is no safe level of exposure.

2. Asbestos has not been banned and imports continue.

3. Asbestos kills between 12,000 – 15,000 Americans each year.

4.  Asbestos is still found in homes, schools, offices, and consumer products.

5. Americans cannot identify asbestos or manage the health risk.