2015 Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization Ambler Educational Resources 


ADAO Presentation PowerPoints 

MEDIA ADVISORY: “Asbestos: Be Safe. Be Smart.” || ADAO) Hosts Educational Program for Ambler Community

ADAO Ambler Asbestos Educational Program, “Asbestos: Be Safe. Be Smart.” FLYER 

2015 Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Ambler Educational Resources

 August 17, 2015 || Ambler, PA

Ambler Flyer FINALTopics & Presenters

Speaker Bios

  • Opening – Marilyn Amento, Ambler Resident, Mesothelioma Widow, ADAO Volunteer
  • Where is Asbestos? What Do You Do With It? – J. Brent Kynoch, Managing Director of Environmental Information Association (EIA)
  • Diagnosing and Treating Asbestos-Related Diseases – Keith Cengel, MD, PhD, Radiation Oncologist, Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program
  • Prevention: Where Knowledge & Action Unite – Linda Reinstein, President/CEO & Co-Founder of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), Mesothelioma Widow
  • What’s Happening in Ambler? – Diane Morgan, Citizens for a Better Ambler

Ambler Gazette: Asbestos & Ambler: How the borough’s industrial roots
impacted its past, present & future

Resources for Education and Action for Community Health in Ambler (REACH Ambler) explores the history, environmental health, and community identity of Ambler, Pennsylvania, through a partnership between the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine and the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF).

Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program

EIA’s “Managing Asbestos in Buildings: A Guide for Owners and Managers” Purple Book

BoRit Asbestos Superfund Site Community Advisory Group (CAG)

“How Many Deaths Will It Take?” – Joe Amento’s Story 

ACTION: Please Sign the Petition!  STOP the 1st U.S. Residential Construction on an Asbestos Dump Site and Make It a Federal Superfund

Stay connected with the “Asbestos: Be Safe. Be Smart” Facebook event


Top Five Asbestos Facts:

1.  Asbestos is a carcinogen and there is no safe level of exposure
2. Asbestos has not been banned and imports continue
3. Asbestos kills between 12,000 – 15,000 Americans each year
4. Asbestos is still found in homes, schools, offices, and consumer products
5. Americans cannot identify asbestos or manage the health risk


About the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization 

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) was founded by Linda Reinstein and Doug Larkin in 2004 and headquartered in Redondo Beach, California. ADAO is the largest independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the U.S. dedicated to preventing asbestos exposure, eliminating asbestos-related diseases, and protecting asbestos victims’ civil rights through education, advocacy, and community initiatives. ADAO, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, does not make legal referrals. www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org