ADAO EPA Meeting Resources

May 30, 2017  Washington, D.C.

*This briefing was dedicated to Mesothelioma Warrior Rachel Shaneyfelt

Important Links

Dr. Richard Lemen, Dr. L. Christine Oliver, Brent Kynoch, Liz Hitchcock, Dr. Celeste Monforton and Linda Reinstein

Educational Resources

Participants at today’s EPA meeting were:

Liz Hitchcock, Government Affairs Director, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families

Brent Kynoch, Managing Director, Environmental Information Association (EIA)

Richard Lemen, PhD, MSPH, Asst. U.S. Surgeon General (ret.)

Celeste Monforton, DrPH, MPH, American Public Health Association (APHA)

Christine Oliver, MD, MPH, MS, FACPM, Harvard Medical School

Linda Reinstein, President/CEO/Co-Founder, Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization

Key Facts

  • Asbestos kills 15,000 Americans each year, yet has not been banned and imports continue
  • Asbestos is still found in homes, schools, offices, and consumer products
  • Americans cannot identify asbestos or manage the health risk
  • USGS reported “The chloralkali industry, which uses asbestos to manufacture semipermeable diaphragms … likely accounted for 100% of asbestos consumption during 2016.”
  • New CDC data indicates that mesothelioma death rates are increasing despite decreased consumption