Posted on August 27, 2017

It is with a broken heart that I share that our beloved Mesothelioma Warrior Rachel Shaneyfelt died on August 26th at the young age of 50, after bravely battling mesothelioma that became metastatic brain cancer for six years.

Rachel never let her painful struggle stop her — she was one of the rare sort who sees beauty in the ordinary and even in the bleakest moments. One of Rachel’s great joys over the past few years was photographing a particularly statuesque tree every time she drove by it, which grew into a gorgeous photo album. She shared this online and it brought such happiness and serenity to her friends and family to see Rachel’s incredible inner peace through these images.

A few years ago, Rachel shared this movingly optimistic point of view in a lovely guest blog: “You Find Beauty Where You are Planted.”

Rachel dedicated her life to helping others, from her career as a nurse to how she spent her personal time. Rachel also founded the “God Is Bigger” movement, which brought so many people together to celebrate and strengthen their faith. For Rachel, “God Is Bigger” was more than an organization or a movement, it was her resounding mantra. As she often used to say, “Cancer is big, but GOD IS BIGGER.” Her soul-deep faith inspired and comforted so many.

Rachel was also a fiercely dedicated activist fighting for an asbestos-free future. Even though she knew legislation couldn’t help her, this selfless soul couldn’t stand the thought of the evils of asbestos sickening other innocent people. She penned numerous letters to Congress, and even wrote to President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the spring on 2017, imploring them to stand up for asbestos victims and to protect the health and safety of future Americans.

Because of Rachel’s incredible advocacy work and community involvement, ADAO was proud to honor her with the 2018 Alan Reinstein Award. This award typically goes to the most active and engaged advocates in our network, and anyone who interacted with Rachel knows she fit this bill precisely. With tender sadness, we will hold a brief tribute and moment of silence during our 2018 Conference Award ceremony where Rachel would have accepted this honor.

Connecting with phenomenal Warriors like Rachel is one of the greatest gift this work offers me. Rachel, I love you, and we will all miss our friend so dearly. Your spirit will live on always in our work, the legacy of your advocacy, and the ever-spreading movement, #GIB.

In sorrow,

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