Join us on the right side of history — SIGN and SHARE ADAO’s Petition to the U.S. EPA to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions

Global Allies Speak Out in Support of ADAO’s Petition to the U.S. EPA for Exemption-Free Asbestos Ban

August 18, 2017

Message of Support from Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA

Posted on August 18, 2017

We know that asbestos kills but around the world people are still being exposed. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the only way to see an end to asbestos related disease is to see asbestos eradicated globally. Asia is the biggest annual consumer and accounts for more than 75% of global asbestos consumption. Most developed countries have already banned asbestos. The United States is one of the only industrialised nations yet to ban asbestos. Though the U.S. is a low consumer at less than 400 tonnes a year, the ongoing use remains a source of leverage for the asbestos industry to claim that using chrysotile asbestos has no negative health effects. The pro-asbestos lobby uses the U.S. in its propaganda highlighting the fact that large developed countries don’t believe the dangers posed by asbestos because they are still using it.

Right now there is a new global momentum building to end the use of asbestos once and for all – everywhere! Banning asbestos in the U.S. is an important step towards achieving a global ban. It will have a significant impact on countries in Asia who are deliberating whether to implement a ban or not. Late last year, Canada announced that it will ban the manufacture of products containing asbestos and the import of asbestos by 2018.

Union Aid Abroad APHEDA has been actively campaigning in South East Asia to see asbestos banned and eradicated. Our ‘Asbestos. Not here. Not anywhere.’ campaign focuses on working with unions and Occupational Health and Safety community groups in Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to achieve their goal of achieving an asbestos ban.

The message is clear; asbestos kills more than 100,000 people every year. We don’t want it here in our country or in any country in Asia or around the world. As long as asbestos is being used anywhere, it remains a risk everywhere. It is time for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban asbestos now!

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  • #NotHereNotAnywhere