The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Strength Through Sharing: Your Stories are ADAO’s Most Powerful Tool for Change


November 25, 2017

I want to start of by sincerely thanking over 200 Warriors, in the USA and around the world,  who have your shared heartfelt stories. We at ADAO know that these are not easy to write, let alone share with others, but I want you to know how deeply important they are to raising awareness and affecting change.

Your stories have also served our community well in Washington, D.C., helping us to put human faces to the massive issue of asbestos-caused disease for our nation’s lawmakers. These stories reached all the way to the ears of President Barack Obama, who in June became the first sitting U.S. president to publicly acknowledge asbestos as a carcinogen.

In fact, our stories have resonated with Congress so strongly that in November, they introduced a bill that would ban asbestos within 18 months of enactment. The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2017 was introduced by Sen. Ed Merkley (D-OR) along with 7 original cosponsors, but we expect and need that list to grow. 

We know there is bipartisan support behind preventing asbestos exposure, but for our elected officials to come onboard this ban bill, they need to hear from YOU. 

Our work is just getting started, and it’s time to put our powerful stories to work again!

We need to keep the focus on the human cost of inaction when it comes to asbestos regulations, and our stories do that better than any other tool at our disposal. Trust me, our stories have moved lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. 

ADAO has brought your stories to Capitol Hill dozens of times, and as we work to move this lifesaving bill, we will be in Washington often, and your stories are truly the strongest tool we can bring with us. 

If you haven’t yet added your voice to ADAO’s communal message, we would love for you to Share Your Story here. If you need inspiration or motivation, read some of the amazing, heartfelt stories of your fellow Mesothelioma Warriors here.

As we continue down the path toward the end of asbestos imports and use, your stories and support continue to remind us how much work is being done and—even more importantly—how much work we still have ahead of us.

Together, through our stories, we are making the world a safer place.


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2019-08-03T11:26:01-07:00November 24th, 2017|
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