Posted on May 27, 2018

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Tomorrow, May 28, the United States will celebrate Memorial Day, a time to remember veterans of our Armed Forces who gave their lives to defend our country. The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) invites you to light a candle on Monday to honor the memory of these brave men and women who are no longer with us.

We also light a candle to remember veterans who lost their lives to mesothelioma and asbestos-related disease.

Steve McQueenRon Cyrus, and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, the youngest man to serve as Chief Officer of Naval Operations, are only three of the many veterans who served their country and lost their lives to a foe they could neither see nor fight, the deadly asbestos that was used on many Navy ships.  

Veterans and shipyard workers are among occupations at a higher risk for mesothelioma. If you think you or your loved one might have been exposed to asbestos in this way, Exposure to Asbestos is an excellent resource for veterans regarding this war-related illness. For more information on asbestos, visit ADAO’s website;, that is a comprehensive resource guide to learn and understand the dangers of asbestos and what you can do about it.

Remembering all who bravely and selflessly served our country with honor and respect.

In unity,

Linda Reinstein
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