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2005 – 2018 Conference Infographic | 2005 – 2018 Conferences Honorees & Keynote Speakers

Posted on March 1, 2019

Community-building is of utmost importance to ADAO. We recognize the importance of telling people that they aren’t alone in this fight, because we know from experience how vital it is to hear those words. We firmly believe that, when we connect with fellow victims, experts, and advocates, we build a better movement.

It is for this reason that we invite all registered guests for the Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference to a casual dinner on Friday, April 4. We’re proud to get our attendees together every year prior to the formalities of the speaker panels, in the interest of breaking the ice. In addition to all of the educational and advocacy-related benefits that our conference can offer, it is our hope that the conference can be a place where like-minded people can connect.

We’ll be rounding out the first day’s events with a casual dinner at the Marriott Arlington Renaissance View hotel everyone. The dinner will begin at 6:30pm EST and run until 8:30pm EST.

Additional group activities are planned for Friday as well, in the hope that conference attendees will be able to meet and mingle ahead of the academic programming on Saturday. These include our first-ever March for Justice and Remembrance as well as a Trolley Tour of Washington, D.C. Since we know some of you won’t arrive until later in the day on Friday, however, we welcome all conference guests to the dinner even if you are not able to participate earlier in the day.

Before we put on the name-tags and cue up the PowerPoint presentations, we’ve learned that it’s best to get to know each other a little better. Join us Friday for our annual casual dinner and remind yourself of an important truth: you’re not alone in the fight for an asbestos ban. We hope to see you there.

Linda Reinstein
Social Networks


WHAT: 2019 AAPC Friday Group Dinner

WHEN: Friday, April 15, 2019 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm

WHERE: Marriott Arlington Renaissance View; 2800 Potomac Ave, Arlington, VA 22202

WHO: All registered AAPC attendees are invited

WHY: Mingle and learn with fellow AAPC attendees! What more reason do we need?