Posted on March 30, 2020

Each year in America, nearly 40,000 people die from asbestos-related illnesses, yet asbestos remains legal and lethal in the United States. In fact, hundreds of thousands of pounds of asbestos are still being imported annually.

Data published by the U.S. International Trade Commission revealed 334,000 pounds of raw asbestos (172 metric tons) imported in 2019, all from Russia.

The USGS reiterated that the chlor-alkali industry is the only sector currently importing and using raw asbestos Since 2011, they and their industry lobbying association, the American Chemistry Council (ACC), have continued to fight against a ban of this deadly substance in order to protect the profits of a handful of companies who rely on outdated technologies that require asbestos to function.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tried and failed to ban the import and use of asbestos in 1989. Since then, without the legal authority to act, more than one million people have died from asbestos-related illnesses and disease. EPA was finally given the authority they needed to ban asbestos in 2016, but since then they have failed to act. That is why the Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now (ARBAN) Act of 2019 is so critical. America can’t afford to wait for the EPA to decide to use its regulatory authority. 

This bipartisan, bicameral  legislation, championed by ADAO, would ban all imports and use of asbestos within one year of enactment. It was voted out of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce in November 2019 with a vote of 47-1 and is awaiting a full vote by the House of Representatives. 

The chlor-alkali industry knows a ban is imminent and is currently stockpiling asbestos. They will continue putting profits ahead of public health until a ban forces them to modernize their manufacturing processes and find asbestos alternatives. 

The only way to force their hand is promptly pass ARBAN and ban asbestos use and imports once and for all.

Linda Reinstein
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