April 20, 2020

ADAO Statement re: ASBESTOS EVALUATION REVIEW POSTPONED BY EPA || Asbestos Victims’ Advocacy Group Responds

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Linda Reinstein, president and co-founder of The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) postponement of the Toxic Substances Control Act Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) peer review virtual meeting for Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos. It was previously scheduled for April 27-30, 2020.

“We are delighted the EPA finally listened to the scientific and public health communities and rescheduled the virtual SACC meeting due to the coronavirus pandemic. ADAO sent a letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler on March 30 requesting the SACC meeting be postponed. When the time is right, we look forward to working with experts to submit the scientific evidence for the SACC’s review that will undoubtedly lead the EPA to prohibit imports and use of asbestos in the United States.

EPA has pushed forward with their flawed draft risk evaluation of asbestos, despite the concerns raised by their own experts and public health advocates. The EPA has had more than 30 years to study the risk of asbestos, a known carcinogen, and take action. Despite this, they are on track to fail Americans again thanks to the deadly exclusions in the draft risk evaluation that will continue to threaten the public.”


Media Contacts
Tracy Russo, (202) 556-1631‬

Courtney Hightower, (312) 213-7245 

About the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization: The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) was founded by asbestos victims and their families in 2004. ADAO is the largest non-profit in the U.S. dedicated to providing asbestos victims and concerned citizens with a united voice through our education, advocacy, and community initiatives. ADAO seeks to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure, advocate for an asbestos ban, and protect asbestos victims’ civil rights. For more information, visit