Donate to the “Ridin the Wind” Auction

Posted on August 30, 2020

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization would like to thank everyone who participated in Jill Cagle’s 4th annual “Ridin’ The Wind” event, held in loving memory of her husband, Rob! This year’s ride took place on August 8th.

Thanks to Jill, 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit ADAO. We are grateful to our community, who work so hard to help us ban asbestos! 

There was great engagement on social media, and a great turn out in person. More than forty people joined together to ride, including Simmons Hanly Conroy Chairman John Simmons. 

Jill shared, “I am riding to bring awareness to everyone who does not know that asbestos kills people and is still not banned in the U.S. which is criminal! Rob did not know a stranger and loved life everyday even when he was sick.”

Great news, you can still support the event through Jill’s wonderful auction, which will go live on August 30th. We will have 5 different items that will be assigned their own square board which contain 250 squares each. You can purchase a square for $5.00 each by letting us know what number(s) you want & if that one is available, your name is put on said square. When the board is completely sold out we will draw the winning number. Donate to the “Ridin the Wind” Auction

As Rob said, “It’s All Good” and Jill’s “Ridin’ The Wind” event was fantastic! ADAO sends our sincere thanks to Jill, her team, the rides, and the many “Ridin’ The Wind” donors.

Together, we continue to fight asbestos and its harms, and together, we make change possible!

Linda Reinstein
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