Posted on September 28, 2023

This year, the highly regarded Collegium Ramazzini will host its annual conference, titled “Occupational and Environmental Health in the 21st Century: Strategies for Confronting a Global Crisis,” from October 22-25, 2023, in Bologna, Italy.

In a world still grappling with the detrimental legacy of asbestos, leading experts will converge to exchange insights during the Collegium Ramazzini Conference in Bologna. One session, “The Past, Present, and Future of Asbestos Issues,” will delve into the intricate history and the ongoing challenges tied to asbestos exposure.

I am honored to be invited to present at the conference during this important session, “The Past, Present, and Future of Asbestos Issues,” alongside esteemed colleagues from around the globe. Asbestos does not discriminate or respect boundaries, making global education, regulations, policy, and compliance paramount.

“The session on asbestos at the Collegium Ramazzini Conference in Bologna is set to offer a multi-layered exploration of the pressing issues surrounding this material, with each unique yet interconnected presentation emphasizing the necessity for a united global effort to mitigate the ongoing health risks posed by asbestos. This continues the long-standing commitment of the Collegium Ramazzini to highlight and address this crucial worldwide issue, underscoring the vital need for global cooperation and decisive action,” said Dr. Arthur Frank. 

The pressing issue of asbestos continues to significantly impact public health. This conference will serve as an essential platform for discussing the myriad complexities related to asbestos exposure. ADAO looks forward to sharing our resources and expanding our global knowledge. 

Session Chairs: Drs. Arthur Frank and Xaver Baur

Drs. Arthur Frank and Xaver Baur will expertly steer the panel, ensuring a balanced and insightful discussion among the panelists and attendees. 

Presentation Titles and Speakers:

“Overview of Asbestos Use Worldwide”
Speaker: Arthur Frank, USA
Arthur Frank will provide a global view on asbestos use, emphasizing the severe public health challenges due to asbestos exposure.

“A Story of Tragedy—Casale Monferato”
Speaker: Corrado Magnani, Italy
Corrado Magnani will delve into the grim history of asbestos in Casale Monferrato, highlighting its devastating health impact on the community.

“The Success of a Ban in Brazil: Past Mistakes and Future Challenges”
Speaker: Fernanda Giannasi, Brazil
Fernanda Giannasi will discuss the multi-dimensional efforts leading to the banning of asbestos in Brazil, including the ongoing challenges.

“Corporate Defiance and Continued Use of Asbestos in the USA”
Speaker: Linda Reinstein, USA
Linda Reinstein will shed light on the dire state of asbestos regulation in the USA, underscoring the critical need for immediate action.

“The Role of Litigation in Addressing Asbestos Issues in the USA”
Speaker: Christian Hartley, USA
Christian Hartley will analyze the American legal system’s role in handling asbestos issues, showcasing various illustrative case studies.

“Clinical Approaches to Asbestos-Related Diseases: Limitations and Opportunities”
Speaker: Steven Markowitz, USA
Steven Markowitz will concentrate on the clinical side of asbestos-related diseases, outlining the limitations and opportunities of current screening methods.

I look forward to sharing details in November about the collective knowledge and efforts shared at the conference, all striving for a safer, asbestos-free world for all.

Together, we make change possible.

Linda Reinstein

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