Global Asbestos and Mesothelioma Calendar

Updated on February 26, 2024

Join Us in Our Year-Round Journey of Asbestos Awareness and Advocacy

As we turn the pages of our calendar, each month brings us a unique opportunity to unite, reflect, and take action in the fight against asbestos exposure and its dire consequences. Our organization is dedicated to raising awareness, supporting victims, and advocating for change, and we invite you to join us in our monthly anniversary actions. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve planned for the year and how you can participate in this vital journey.

January: Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month
We kicked off the year by observing IAFF’s Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. This month highlighted the heightened risks firefighters face, including asbestos exposure.

February: National Cancer Prevention Month
In February, we took our message to the heart of New York City with a significant awareness campaign in Times Square

March: Honoring Legislative Heroes
March is a time to pay homage to the legislative heroes and families who have tirelessly advocated for stringent asbestos ban laws. Learn more about their stories and how you can support ongoing legislative efforts.

April: Global Asbestos Awareness Week
From April 1-7, we host Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW), spotlighting the power of international partnerships and awareness. Participate in our events and help spread global awareness about the dangers of asbestos.

May: Fighting for Worker Safety
May is dedicated to honoring the fight for worker safety amidst asbestos challenges. Stand with us as we advocate for safer working conditions and workers’ rights worldwide.

June: Celebrating ADAO’s Leadership
This month, we applaud the ADAO’s Leadership committees for their critical contributions to educational outreach and policy advocacy. Discover how these efforts are making a difference and how you can contribute.

July: Reflecting on Past Accomplishments
In July, we will reflect on the significant challenges faced, notably the EPA’s 1989 reversal of the asbestos ban. Engage with us in learning from the past and pushing for a future free from asbestos.

August: Art, Advocacy, and Action

Art and artists play a vital role in elevating asbestos awareness. This month, we showcase their contributions and explore how creativity can be a powerful tool in our advocacy efforts.

September: Mesothelioma Awareness Month
Observing Mesothelioma Awareness Month, we accentuate the importance of prevention, advanced treatment options, and the journey for a cure. Join our events and help support those affected by mesothelioma.

October: Addressing Environmental Justice
Our focus shifts to the pressing issues of environmental justice. Learn about the disproportionate impact of asbestos exposure in marginalized communities and how we can work together for justice.

November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month
In November, we recommit to advocating for clean air during Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Support our initiatives aimed at reducing lung cancer rates and promoting healthier environments.

December: Mesothelioma Warrior Candle Lighting
We close the year with ADAO’s poignant Mesothelioma Warrior Candle Lighting ceremony, a time to remember and honor those we have lost. Participate in this solemn event and join us in solidarity.

How You Can Join Us:
Your involvement can make a significant difference. Whether by participating in our events, spreading the word, or advocating for policy changes, your support is invaluable. Follow us on social media, visit our website for updates, and join our community in this crucial fight.

Together, we can raise awareness, support affected individuals and families, and work towards a world free of asbestos-related diseases. Join us in our mission this year and beyond.



July 5, 2024: Action Mesothelioma Day 2024

July 20, 2024: Registration opens for the 20th Anniversary International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference

July 22, 2024: 19th Congressional Staff Briefing in Washington, D.C.

August 1, 2024: Deadline to have your story included in “Shared Stories: How Asbestos Changed Our Lives Forever”

August 1, 2024: World Lung Cancer Day

September 7 – 10 2024: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer, San Diego, CA

September 2024: Mesothelioma Awareness Month

September 14: 20th Anniversary International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference takes place

September 21, 2024: 16th Annual Alton Miles for Meso VIRTUAL 5K Race & 3K Fun Run/Walk 

September 26, 2024: Mesothelioma Awareness Day

September 30, 2024: Rare Cancer Day

October 2024: Health Literacy Month

October 2024: ADAO’s Four-Part Health Literacy Month Series

November 2024: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November 2024: Family Caregiver Month

November 27-30, 2024: XXIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

November 12-15 2024: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition Meeting

November 20-26 2024: National Asbestos Awareness Week, Australia

November 29, 2024: Giving Tuesday

December 1 – 31, 2024: ADAO End-of-Year Donation Drive

December 28, 2024: Candle Lighting in Loving Memory of Mesothelioma Warriors

January 4, 2025: Candle Lighting in Honor and Support of Mesothelioma Warriors

February 2025: National Cancer Prevention Month

February 4, 2025: World Cancer Day

February 28, 2025: Rare Disease Day (NORD)

March 8, 2024: International Women’s Day

March 16-20, 2024 San Diego: Environmental Information Association National Conference Annual Conference

April 2024: Global Health and Innovation Conference

April 1-7, 2024: Global Asbestos Awareness Week

  • April 1: DAY ONE: Asbestos: One Word. One Week. One World.
  • April 2: DAY TWO: World Health Organization Asbestos-Related Disease Fact Sheet
  • April 3: DAY THREE: Asbestos Awareness Fueled by Art and Advocacy
  • April 4: DAY FOUR: Asbestos: Partnering for Prevention
  • April 5: DAY FIVE: Global Action to Ban Asbestos in the USA and Around the World
  • April 6: DAY SIX: Advancing Asbestos Prevention Through Digital Education and “kNØw Asbestos” Website
  • April 7: DAY SEVEN: Candle Light Vigil to Honor and Remember Asbestos Victims Worldwide

April 7, 2024: World Health Day

April 1-7, 2024: American Public Health Association National Public Health Week

April 28, 2024: International Workers Memorial Day

May 4, 2024: International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) 

May 6-12, 2024: National Nurses Week

May 12-18, 2024: National Women’s Health Week

May 20, 2024: International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD); Paris, France

May 20-22, 2024: American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce),  Columbus, OH

June 2, 2024: National Cancer Survivors Day

June 5, 2024: UN World Environment Day

June 10-16 2024: National Men’s Health Week 

June 22, 2024: 9th Anniversary of The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act LCSA