Posted on December 27, 2022

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), the largest non-profit in the U.S. dedicated to providing asbestos victims and concerned citizens with a united voice, is pleased to share a Year-End Summary of Accomplishments, including our education, advocacy, and community impact in 2022. As a leader in public health advocacy, we are on the front lines working to end the man-made asbestos disaster on many levels.

Every accomplishment ADAO achieved in 2022 was made possible because of the generosity of the volunteers, sponsors, and donors who fuel our work and further our cause. The organization’s growth continues to reflect the development and progress made around the world in this issue area. We look forward to continued shared success throughout 2023 and beyond.

2022 Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization Year in Review

2022 Educational Initiatives: In an effort to educate the public about the dangers of asbestos, ADAO successfully:

2022 Advocacy Initiatives: In order to advocate for an international ban on asbestos use, mining, and exportation of this known carcinogen, ADAO:

2022 Community Initiatives: To provide a community of support for those affected by asbestos, ADAO:

  • Coordinated Global Asbestos Awareness Week to raise public awareness about the prevalence of asbestos-related diseases and the dangers of asbestos exposure
  • Honored and uplifted those we lost and those who are fighting through our 2021 – 2022 Mesothelioma Warrior Candle Lighting Tradition, which continues on December 28 and January 4
  • Published and shared new “Share Your Story” submissions from patients and families from across the globe who have been devastated by asbestos-related disease
  • Utilized ADAO’s Facebook Page, Facebook Group pages, and Twitter presence to provide an interactive medium for those seeking a space to share, connect, or access information on asbestos exposure, prevention, and current policy

ADAO 2022 Presentations: