Posted on March 29, 2022

Each year, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) dedicates April 1-7 to increasing awareness of asbestos and preventing exposure by bringing together experts and victims from around the world to share, learn, and take action. To view all 7 days of Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW) content, please click here. Be sure to follow the conversation on social media with our GAAW hashtag: #2022GAAW.

Asbestos is a known human carcinogen, and there is no safe level of exposure. While promising research continues, prevention remains the only cure. 

Day FIVE: Featuring Julie (USA) — Read her story “The Power of Public Health Advocacy: A Patient’s Perspective”

Featured Video: “Amianto: O assassino que você não pode ver”

Press Release (Portuguese): A Organização de Consciencialização sobre a Asbestose (ADAO) Lança a 18.ª “Semana Global Anual de Consciencialização sobre o Amianto”, que terá lugar de 1 a 7 de abril de 2022

Leadership Quote: “Like ADAO, ABREA supports worldwide anti-asbestos campaigns emphasizing education, awareness, justice for the victims and a global ban on asbestos. Despite the propaganda by the industry about safe or controlled use of asbestos, Brazilians have learned with the losses of thousands of lives, that asbestos undoubtedly kills.” – Fernanda Giannasi, ABREA.

Call To Action: Sign the Petition to Ban Asbestos Now Without Any Loopholes or Exemptions

Asbestos Fact: Asbestos can still be found in homes, schools, workplaces, on consumer shelves, and around superfund sites. There is no safe level of exposure to any asbestos fiber.  

Today, on day five of GAAW we are examining what it means to take action, and highlighting our Ban Asbestos Petition. Today will also feature the story of Julie Gundlach, “The Power of Public Health Advocacy: A Patient’s Perspective.”

The petition calls on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban all fibers of asbestos once and for all, with no loopholes or exemptions. The government has now spent decades of time and taxpayer dollars on asbestos research. Since the 1960s, research has shown asbestos’ deadly impact, yet the U.S. continues to import and use hundreds of tons of raw asbestos each year. It is long past time for the government to ban all six fibers of this deadly material once and for all. Enough is enough.

We hope you’ll add your name to the petition today, so that tomorrow, we are one step closer to banning asbestos.

Today’s Partner for Prevention is Associação Brasileira dos Expostos ao Amianto (ABREA).

Special thanks to our 2022 Platinum Sponsor Simmons Hanly Conroy.

Together, we make change happen.

Linda Reinstein
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