Posted on March 29, 2022

Each year, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) dedicates April 1-7 to increasing awareness of asbestos and preventing exposure by bringing together experts and victims from around the world to share, learn, and take action. To view all 7 days of Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW) content, please click here. Be sure to follow the conversation on social media with our GAAW hashtag: #2022GAAW

Asbestos is a known carcinogen, and there is no safe level of exposure. While promising research continues, prevention remains the only cure.

Day ONE: Remembering Alan Reinstein (USA) — Read his story “I’ll Do Anything to Fight Mesothelioma to Have More Time with My Family, Anything”

Featured 30-Second PSA Video: “Asbestos: The Killer You Can’t See”

Press Release: ADAO Launches 18th Annual “Global Asbestos Awareness Week” April 1-7, 2022

Leadership Quote: “The Senate Resolution is a huge win and will increase awareness around the health risks associated with asbestos. This will benefit firefighters greatly as they face a 2x greater risk of developing mesothelioma than the general population.” — Patrick Morrison, Assistant to the General President for Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine, International Association of Fire Fighter

Call To Action: Sign the Petition to Ban Asbestos Now Without Any Loopholes or Exemptions

Asbestos Fact: Russia is the leading producer of asbestos worldwide, followed by Kazakhstan, China, Brazil, and Zimbabwe.

Check out the Asbestos Awareness Day/Week history from 2005 – 2022

Today, on day one of GAAW, we’re sharing the most important message of the week: “One Word. One Week. One World.” Our biggest goal this week is that when you hear asbestos, think prevention. Asbestos-caused diseases are preventable and are only caused by unnecessary exposure to all six asbestos fibers. During the week, we bring together our global community to fight for a ban on the asbestos imports and use of all asbestos fibers and end all asbestos-caused diseases and exposure. Today also features the story of Alan Reinstein: “I’ll Do Anything to Fight Mesothelioma to Have More Time with My Family, Anything”.

Join the conversation online by using #2022GAAW.

We are delighted to collaborate with our 2022 GAAW Partners for Prevention: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (@IOSH_tweets), Environmental Information Association (@EIA_USA), AMIANTO GIANNASI (@fergiannas), Occupational Safety and Health Africa Foundation (@OSHAfrica), and the Mavis Nye Foundation (@MavisNye). Join the conversation online by using #2022GAAW

Special thanks to our 2022 Platinum Sponsor Simmons Hanly Conroy.

Together, we make change happen.

Linda Reinstein
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