Posted on December 22, 2023

As the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) enters 2024 and celebrates our 20th anniversary, we reflect on the significant achievements of 2023 made possible by our dual-track strategy, which focuses on both legislative and regulation to work on all possible pathways to protect public health and eliminate asbestos-caused diseases.

2023: A Year of Notable Progress

  • Bipartisan Support for Asbestos Ban: The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now (ARBAN) Act has once again gained bipartisan and, for the first time, industry support, notably from the Olin Corporation. This coalition continues to grow, demonstrating a clear and unified stance against asbestos.
  • Community Engagement: The “Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference” in Washington, DC, marked a significant milestone in our community outreach. Despite pandemic challenges, we hosted a global gathering of experts, with presentations now accessible online, reinforcing our commitment to building strong community connections.
  • Forging Progress on the Regulatory Front: Our regulatory strategy saw significant advancements:

2024: Envisioning a Future Free of Asbestos

As we move into 2024, we are excited to:

  • Expand Our Legislative Impact: We will work to strengthen partnerships to ensure the full implementation of the ARBAN Act, driving legislative change for a comprehensive asbestos ban.
  • Enhance Community Engagement: The 20th Global Asbestos Awareness Week will mark a significant milestone, and we will deepen our outreach and education efforts, fostering greater community awareness and action with allies in the United States and worldwide who are united in the fight against asbestos.
  • Elevate Educational Efforts: We will continue to expand our “Asbestos: Art, Advocacy, and Action” initiative to merge research insights with artistic expression, creating impactful public awareness campaigns. We plan to organize interactive seminars and workshops to encourage discussions on asbestos research and policy involving experts, advocates, and the broader community.

Your support and involvement are vital as we embark on these initiatives. Together, we have made real progress, and with your continued backing, we are committed to creating a world free from asbestos diseases.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to this urgent cause. Your efforts are integral to our success. We wish everyone a joyful holiday season and a healthy, prosperous 2024.

Linda Reinstein

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