5 ways CANVAPosted on February 28, 2020

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) may be a small, lean nonprofit, but when it comes to dedicated supporters, we have an embarrassment of riches. If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you are counted among these assets we so cherish.

One of the most common questions I hear from our network is “How can I help?” — and let me tell you, it is music to my ears each and every time I hear it asked. During our conference in April, the ADAO leadership boards held strategic planning meetings, and among the topics discussed, we came up with a list of five ways you can help support ADAO in our push for a global ban on asbestos and the elimination of asbestos caused diseases.

  1. Share Your Story

Our stories are the heart of our advocacy. They represent why we care to do this important work, and their impact is so powerful in a number of ways. Sharing our stories connects us to others, providing inspiration and the support of community connected through struggle.

Our stories also play an integral role in our legislative advocacy. Whenever we travel to Washington, DC or communicate with government offices, these stories are part of the discussion. These moving stories help put a human face to the issue for lawmakers, and showing them stories from their state or jurisdiction serves as a great reminder that this is their problem, too.

Click here to Share Your Story.

  1. Share Educational Resources and News

As many of us have learned the hard way, there is no cure for mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. This is why ADAO makes it our primary goal to spread awareness and the education people need to protect themselves from this ubiquitous threat.

To make sure our educational messages reach the masses, though, we need your help! The best way for our content to reach new audiences is for every dedicated ADAO member and volunteer to share on their social media channels. To make sure you’re always up-to-date with the latest, sign up for our eNewsletter

  1. Attend ADAO Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference 

Meet the experts and leaders at ADAO’s 16th Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference April 3 – 5, 2020 in Washington, DC. ADAO is the only U.S. nonprofit that organizes annual conferences dedicated to preventing and eliminating asbestos-caused diseases. 

  1. Sign Our Petition

We’ve launched a petition, which offers another way you can support ADAO. We have strength in numbers — we just have to use it. Please take just a few clicks to sign our Change.org petition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Ban Asbestos in the US Now, Without Loopholes or Exceptions. With nearly 150,000 supporters and it is certain that this petition will be seen by people who have the power to finally ban asbestos once and for all!

  1. Donate

ADAO is a tiny, lean nonprofit, and we rely entirely on the generosity and goodwill of our community and supporters to keep doing the work we do. We keep it pretty bare bones, and more than 90% of our funding supports our educational programming, but it’s not cheap. Each time we go to the Capitol to host a Congressional briefing or meet with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it can cost thousands of dollars.

Every penny offered you contribute helps us reach our goals. Our work is built on donations of $5, $10, $15 — so when you have a few extra bucks sitting around, please consider putting it toward anti-asbestos advocacy. You can donate in just a few clicks here or on the form at the bottom of this page.

On behalf of ADAO and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for remaining a stalwart supporter of our work. Our fight to end asbestos-caused diseases is not an easy one, but together, we are making change happen and the world will be safer for our efforts.


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