ADAO 20th Anniversary — Join Us in Our Year-Round Monthly Journeys of Asbestos Awareness, Advocacy, and Action

June 28, 2024

As we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) this July, we take a moment to reflect on our journey, our accomplishments, and the significant challenges we have faced to prevent exposure and eliminate all asbestos-caused diseases. 

Though we regret that ADAO needs to exist, believing that asbestos should have been banned decades ago when science revealed it was carcinogenic, we are incredibly proud of all we have accomplished over the past 20 years. We are also honored to take the opportunity to uplift and celebrate our community and all the gains we’ve made.

Let’s take a look at all we’ve accomplished together:  

  1. Share Your Story Collection: Our “Share Your Story” initiative has reached an incredible milestone with over 200 personal stories collected. These narratives underscore the human toll of asbestos exposure, serving as powerful testimonies that drive our advocacy and awareness efforts.
  2. Annual Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conferences: This year, we will host our 20th Anniversary Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference, appropriately themed: Exploring the Intersection of Asbestos Prevention, Policy, and the Law.” The conference continues to be a crucial platform for sharing knowledge, strategies, and innovations in the fight against asbestos.
  3. National Asbestos Awareness Week (April 1-7) Resolutions: Over the years, we have successfully championed 19 resolutions that have brought national attention to asbestos issues. These resolutions also played a critical role in legislative and policy advancements. This annual resolution sets the stage for an international week of awareness and prevention.
  4. Prevention and Policy Advocacy: Our relentless policy advocacy efforts have led to significant strides in asbestos regulation, using a dual track strategy of legislation and legal battles to make positive change. 
  5. Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW) (20): Celebrating its 20th anniversary, GAAW has become a powerful international movement. Each year, with advocates, experts, and affected families worldwide, we united to amplify our message and call for global asbestos prevention.
  6. Art, Advocacy, Action: This unique initiative blends creative expression with advocacy. Our recent projects include the new book, “Shared Stories: “How Asbestos Changed Our Lives Forever,”, showcasing powerful personal accounts, and award-winning photographer Earl Dotter’s Posters, which visually capture the impact of asbestos through art.
  7. ADAO Educational YouTube Library: Our YouTube library has grown into a valuable resource for education and awareness. It features expert talks, personal stories, and advocacy highlights and is an accessible platform for learning and engagement.
  8. ADAO vs. EPA: Importance of Our Legal Work: Our multiple legal battles, including the significant case against the EPA, highlight the critical role of litigation in driving regulatory change. These efforts are essential in holding the EPA accountable and ensuring the protection of public health.
  9. Educational Campaigns, including Raise Your Voice and more: Our educational campaigns, such as “Raise Your Voice,” empower individuals to speak out against asbestos hazards. These campaigns raise public awareness and foster a collective call for action.
  10. Congressional Staff Briefings: Engaging with congressional staff through 19 briefings has been pivotal in shaping policy and legislation. These briefings provide lawmakers with crucial information and firsthand accounts, influencing their view on asbestos regulation.

As we reflect on these achievements, we are reminded of our community’s resilience and dedication. Every story shared, every conference held, and every resolution passed brings us closer to a future free from asbestos. Join us this July to honor our past accomplishments and recommit to our mission of prevention, policy, and protection.

Together, we can learn from the past and build a safer future. Engage with us, share your story, and help us push for an asbestos-free world.

Linda Reinstein

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