The ADAO SlideShare page has now received over 10,000 views.  Click here to view all of our SlideShare PowerPoints presentations and documents.  Below are the most frequently viewed PowerPoint presentations.

Brazil photos Rio +20

Reinstein: Rio + 20 “Harnessing the Power of Social Media Advocacy” 

ADAO’s “Asbestos: See for Yourself” Photographic Educational Campaign

John Newquist (OSHA), “If You Think Its Asbestos, It Probably Is”

ADAO Meeting with the U.S. Office of the Surgeon General

Miles for Meso: “Asbestos: Still Lethal and Legal in the United States”

ADAO: Asbestos Consumption in the USA 

ADAO Senate Staff Briefing “Asbestos: The Impact on Public Health, the Environment, and the Economy

John Newquist (OSHA), “If You Think Its Asbestos, It Probably Is”

The North American Declaration to Eliminate Asbestos-Caused Diseases

“Asbestos: Past, Present & Future”

“USA: Trends and Challenges on Preventing Environmental and Occupational Asbestos Exposure”

Linda Reinstein: TEDx Manhattan Beach Speaker: “Turning Anger to Action”

American Public Health Association (APHA) 

“Asbestos Kills”