Posted on December 10, 2016

spies-amongst-us-canvaI’ve been besieged by emails, private messages, and phone calls since The Guardian broke the story: “Corporate spy infiltrated anti-asbestos campaign, court told.”  Don’t be fooled, this is yet another example of what the asbestos profiteers do to promote and protect asbestos mining and use.

Due to the UK High Court order, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) will not discuss details about the spy, named as DNT, who allegedly infiltrated our ban asbestos network.  For those of you who know DNT, please refrain from sharing details and photos, as you might jeopardize this case.

Trust me – I feel betrayed!  I want to scream from the top of a mountain and share what I know, but respectfully and legally, I must refrain until the anonymity order has been lifted  ….  THEN I can and will share the four years of emails, details, and photos with all of you.

Linda Reinstein

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