Posted on September 28, 2023

Let’s Celebrate! We made history on Mesothelioma Day by gaining a new Republican co-sponsor to ARBAN.
Yesterday, we took another landmark step forward towards an asbestos-free future, demonstrating that the legislative process and Congress can, and do, work effectively.

Beyond a Moment — ARBAN is a Movement to Safeguard Americans
On Sept. 26, Mesothelioma Awareness Day, the news of Representative Don Bacon’s cosponsorship of the Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now (ARBAN) Act (H.R. 2402) brought fresh hope to our collective mission to eradicate asbestos and asbestos-caused illnesses. Representative Bacon’s unwavering commitment to the public health of his constituents and all Americans underscores the belief that our collaborative efforts can bring about real, significant change.

“We know, without a doubt, that asbestos is a dangerous, deadly substance,” said Rep. Bacon. “There is no reason we should be importing asbestos when we know there is a direct connection to mesothelioma and other cancers. I am supporting H.R. 2402 to ban the importation of asbestos and protect the American people.”

Rep. Bacon’s Legacy of Service
Representative Bacon’s honorable service in the U.S. Air Force accentuates the importance of his backing ARBAN. His understanding of the extensive impact of asbestos exposure, especially among our cherished veterans, fortifies our combined resolve to eliminate the asbestos menace, ensuring enduring health and safety for every American citizen, including our valued service members.

Bipartisan ARBAN Honors Past, Present, and Future Warriors
For many, this journey is deeply personal, including myself. My late husband, Alan Reinstein, for whom ARBAN is named, succumbed to the devastating effects of asbestos exposure. His memory, alongside countless others, powers our mission to prevent asbestos exposure and avert further pain and loss.

In thanking Representative Bacon, we also extend our deepest gratitude to the 2023 ARBAN sponsors, Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, and the cosponsors: Rep. Steve Cohen, Rep. Debbie Dingell, Rep. Eleanor Norton, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, Rep. Jesus G. “Chuy” Garcia, Rep. Betty McCollum, Rep. Paul Tonko, Rep. Julia Brownley, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, Rep. Nikki Budzinski, Rep. James P. McGovern, Rep. Chellie Pingree, Rep. Dina Titus, Rep. David J. Trone, Rep. Mike Levin, Rep. Daniel S. Goldman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, Rep. Joe Neguse, Rep. Mary Sattler Peltola, and Sen. Jon Tester.

Join Us
If you see your Member listed above, please thank them. If you don’t, please send your letters to all three of your Congressional Representatives. Their collective advocacy and support profoundly enhance our community and nation, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to the welfare and advancement of our society.

The bipartisan support for the ARBAN Act is a resounding affirmation that when united for a noble cause, significant and transformative change is achievable beyond partisan lines. Let’s steadfastly advance in this spirit of unity and determination for the collective betterment of all.

In Unity and Gratitude,

Linda Reinstein

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