VIDEO CLIP:  Sen. Merkley questioning EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt;

SIGN and SHARE the Petition to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions

Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2017 (S.2072)

Posted on January 31, 2018

ADAO Presents US Senate EPW Ranking Member Carper with Over 11,000 Signatures Urging the “EPA to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions”

On January 30, 2018, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) held an oversight hearing where Administrator Scott Pruitt testified about the past months of significant EPA changes.  Just last month, Pruitt testified before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

As a stakeholder, ADAO had the opportunity to attend both hearings and submit letters and documents into the record.  Concerns and questions about asbestos were raised in both the House and Senate hearings. 

Pruitt was pressed by Congressman Pallone on our country’s continued asbestos use, the chemical industry’s alarming influence in the EPA, the progress (or lack thereof) on TSCA implementation, and other areas of deep concern. 

During the EPW hearing, Senator Merkley asked Administrator Pruitt, “To my colleague, you answer that there were a number of items that you thought didn’t contribute to help when you increase the amount of pollution. How about asbestos, increased amount of asbestos pollution, does it contribute to Americans health?” Administrator Pruitt answered, “No it’s something we ought to seek to do all we can to eradicate this thing.” Merkley went on to discuss the legacy issues surrounding asbestos asking Administrator Pruitt, “Will you commit to taking on asbestos both with the new asbestos that is being put into products but also in terms of the existing asbestos?” to which Pruitt replied, “It’s one of those priority chemicals that are reviewing our task as senator and I can tell you that the legacy issues that you make reference to, is very important.”  

ADAO urged the U.S. Senate EPW Committee to ask EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to reiterate that there is no safe or controlled use of asbestos and voice our outrage about continued imports and use.

After the hearing, ADAO presented Ranking Member Carper with over 11,000 petition signatures urging the “EPA to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions.

There is global consensus – asbestos is a known carcinogen and there is no safe level of exposure. Presently, the EPA allows for asbestos to be imported and used. We are deeply concerned that the 2017 EPA risk evaluation document excludes asbestos legacy use and the Libby Amphibole. 

These 10 facts are irrefutable:

  1. Asbestos kills 15,000 Americans each year.
  2. Asbestos has been known to cause deadly diseases for more than a century.
  3. There is no safe or controlled use of asbestos.
  4. During 1999–2015, the annual number of malignant mesothelioma deaths increased by 4.8 percent.
  5. Asbestos imports nearly doubled in 2016.
  6. The U.S. is the only industrialized Western nation to not yet ban asbestos.
  7. The American Chemistry Council is lobbying the EPA for another exemption to import and use asbestos to manufacture chlorine and caustic soda.
  8. The EPA’s risk evaluation document won’t ban asbestos and excludes legacy exposure and the Libby Amphibole.  
  9. The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2017 (S.2072) would expedite asbestos regulation and ban asbestos in 18 months, versus 5-7 years.
  10. The EPA has had numerous meetings with industry importers, users, and the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

Help us bring these issues to attention by signing our petition to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions. Your continued support and public voice become more invaluable each day. 

ADAO vows to remain a stakeholder at the table and will continue to update and educate our community stay tuned! 



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