Posted on September 1, 2023

For the seventh year in a row, an American flag will fly atop the U.S. Capitol building on September 26th in honor and remembrance of asbestos victims for Mesothelioma Awareness Day. This day recognizes both the victims themselves, as well as their families, and it is an honor to have a flag flown to acknowledge all those who have suffered.

The ADAO community is eternally grateful for the work and advocacy of United States Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois and his tireless staff. It is because of their support that this monumental occasion has become a reality. Over the last six years, Senator Durbin has shown great leadership for all those impacted by mesothelioma by honoring and remembering those who fight this asbestos-related disease.

Senator Durbin’s actions are proof that Congress is listening, which motivates us to continue educating legislators and advocating for a national ban on asbestos. We are grateful to Senator Durbin for being a steadfast supporter of the ban asbestos movement. Senator Durbin has been a cosponsor for the previous Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act and has taken the time to truly listen, advocate, and fight against the danger of asbestos exposure. 

The journey is long but we are excited and optimistic that change is inevitable. As you witness the flag fly over the Capitol in person or online, may it serve as a symbol and reminder of the power of our collective voice as we fight for those who have been impacted by this preventable disease.

It is because of your work that we are truly making change happen, on Capitol Hill and beyond!

In unity,


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