Join us on the right side of history — SIGN and SHARE ADAO’s Petition to the U.S. EPA to Ban Asbestos Without Loopholes or Exemptions

August 18, 2017: Message of Support from Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) “Asbestos kills more than 100,000 people every year” 

August 25, 2017: Message of Support from South Africa Fighting Asbestos: The Developing vs Developed” by Dr. Claire Deacon (PhD Constr Mgt) 

August 29, 2017: Message of Support from National COSH: “Asbestos is unsafe at any level. Let’s get rid of it.”  

September 10, 2017: Message of Support: Brazilian Allies Voice Support for ADAO’s Ban Asbestos Petition 

September 29, 2017: Canadian Labour Council President Voices Support: Why America Needs a Complete Ban on Asbestos Now! 

Posted on August 18, 2017

At ADAO, we know that partnerships and collaboration are crucial elements of making change happen. We’re thrilled to share the wealth of international support coming from our global allies. 

As you’ve probably seen, ADAO has been circulating a petition calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban asbestos with no loopholes or exemptions. With more than 10,000 signatures to date, we have decided to submit the petition as evidence into the EPA’s permanent record on asbestos — supporting the need to ban this known carcinogen without exemptions. 

America’s asbestos policy impacts the whole world, so our international partners are pitching in to help us reach our goal of 25,000 signatures by September 15. 

Every Friday leading up to the deadline, we’ll be sharing an update from a different global ally with our petition signatories and with on this blog. Through these posts, you will learn why a ban in the U.S. is so important to the global struggle to eradicate asbestos and the devastating diseases it causes. 

Each name on the petition will go down in history as a voice who took a stand against asbestos. The more names on the petition when we submit it to the EPA, the stronger our message, so please SIGN if you haven’t already, and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE. Our goal is to hit at least 25,000 by September 15.

Check back each Friday for the latest update, and please join me in sincerely thanking APHEDA and the other allies supporting our shared cause. Together, we will fight in solidarity until asbestos is banned once and for all.

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