Global Asbestos Awareness Week. “One Word. One Week. One World.” April 1 – 7, 2018

ADAO “Share Your Story” Collection

Posted on March 27, 2018

Get ready, Team ADAO! Global Asbestos Awareness Week 2018 kicks off SUNDAY! During this week-long campaign, we are able to deliver lifesaving messages of awareness and prevention around the world — but ONLY if YOU SHARE! Please join me in sparking the GAAW conversation — I promise, it couldn’t be easier. We’ll have a new blog each day of the week to share, as well as personal stories from daily GAAW ambassadors. We also have phenomenal new graphics for you to share — you can find them in this Facebook album:

Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #2018GAAW, and check our GAAW landing page daily to find fresh content and educational resources. 

During GAAW and always, YOU are part of the solution. From the bottom of my heart — THANK YOU and keep up the great sharing!


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