Posted on March 30, 2018

Two exceptional international campaigns raising awareness of the risks of work-related cancers are linking arms this year to promote their shared goals.

Global Asbestos Awareness Week and No Time to Lose – working together to beat occupational cancer connect hundreds of supporter organizations and businesses and thousands of committed individuals to show common cause, encouraging individuals and their employers to take action.

ADAO’s Global Asbestos Awareness Week has for 14 years now worked to increase awareness of asbestos and its dangers. This annual week of high-profile activities seeks to prevent exposure to the killer mineral, bringing together experts and victims from around the world to share, learn, and act.

The No Time to Lose campaign is run by the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals – the Institution of Occupational and Safety Health (IOSH) – to raise awareness of work-related (occupational) cancers.

Based in Britain, this professional institution represents men and women who dedicate their working lives to protecting their fellow workers from harm. It has over 47,000 members in 125 countries.

Simon Butt-Bethlendy, Public Relations Manager for IOSH, explains:

“The campaign began in November 2014 and has tackled some of the leading causes of occupational cancer. IOSH began with particulate matter in diesel exhaust fumes, then tackled solar radiation exposure, and next focused on respirable crystalline silica dust.

No Time to Lose – working together to tackle asbestos-related cancer will be the fourth and largest phase of our campaign. We’re really pleased to be joining forces with Linda and the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization to draw more attention to Global Asbestos Awareness Week as we prepare for our own asbestos campaign launch.

IOSH and its supporters have developed practical, useable, engaging and free resources to help managers and workers understand and respond to occupational cancer threats. Our new asbestos resources are looking really good and we look forward to making these available to ADAO supporters very soon.”

Throughout Global Asbestos Awareness Week, IOSH’s No Time to Lose campaign will help promote it internationally as IOSH builds toward its own asbestos campaign launch on April 9.

Just one day after Global Asbestos Awareness Week 2018 concludes, No Time to Lose – working together to tackle asbestos-related cancer will launch at the British Medical Association in London, England. To help let people know about that, join IOSH’s Thunderclap at and use the #NTTLasbestos hashtag.

Later in April, the campaign will be presented at an annual IOSH conference in the Middle East, and then ICOH 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. It will also be communicated throughout Europe and Asia later in the year.

Linda Reinstein, Founder, President and CEO of ADAO, said:

“IOSH and its No Time to Lose campaign offer terrific free resources for anyone who wants to promote ways to reduce exposure to cancer causes at work. Our two organizations share many values and goals and I look forward to collaborating with IOSH and its members in Britain and around the world to help spread our messages out further, working together to save lives.”

To find out more about No Time to Lose visit: