March 30 2023


This is the 19th annual global week dedicated to education, awareness and prevention of asbestos exposure and asbestos-caused diseasesWashington, DC — The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), an independent non-profit dedicated to preventing asbestos exposure and eliminating all asbestos-caused diseases, announced April 1-7, 2023 will be “Global Asbestos Awareness Week”  dedicated to education, awareness and prevention of asbestos exposure and asbestos-caused diseases.

There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. During Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW), ADAO and our partner organizations across the globe work together to educate and inform the public about the ongoing threats from asbestos, including asbestos mining, importation and use, and legacy asbestos. A variety of educational resources and videos on how to prevent asbestos exposure and stay safe from this carcinogen are available and feature leading organizations and experts as well as asbestos victims’ stories. Most materials are translated into seven different languages (French, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian) to ensure this important information is shared with people around the world. The week culminates on April 7th with a virtual worldwide candlelight vigil.

“We are excited to bring our educational messages to a global audience. It is more important than ever before that people understand the dangers of asbestos and how to prevent asbestos exposure in their homes, schools, workplaces, and from products we find on consumer shelves,” said Linda Reinstein, a mesothelioma widow and ADAO co-founder. 

“Asbestos kills. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen that kills over 40,000 Americans and more than 200,000 global citizens each year. While promising research for treatments to asbestos-caused diseases continues, prevention remains the only cure. Nearly 70 countries have made public health a priority and  banned asbestos, the U.S. is not one of them. The United States still allows for imports and use of asbestos to continue — something ADAO is working hard to change” Reinstein explained.

For more information on the events of Global Asbestos Awareness Week visit 2023 Global Asbestos Awareness Week Website


About the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is a global leader in combining education, advocacy, and community initiatives to prevent and end asbestos exposure. ADAO seeks to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos, advocate for an asbestos ban, and protect asbestos victims’ civil rights. ADAO, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, does not make legal referrals. For more information, visit