“You have picked the wrong nerds to mess with”…

that’s a good line to end your article, but you should be aware that the Professional Geologists that have specifically been studying the mineral in question (like myself) are aware that there is still significant debate over the health effects of chrysotile (serpentine-derived) and amphibole-sourced asbestos fibers… the EPA has collected the world’s finest scientists on this subject more than once, and has yet to see convincing evidence that chrysotile is any less harmful. To say so in your article is actually potentially very dangerous, as public opinion should be based on the most complete information. Too many people already have limited or incorrect information on this subject- I really think you ought to follow up with a clarification. Unless I miss my guess, this probably won’t be the only email you get on this- if you have any questions or would like to learn a bit more, fell free to call- the number at my asbestos laboratory (which is accredited through California and New York.

Thank you for your attention- at least the subject is out there- now if we could just assure the public is aware of the other side of the coin…